News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Sen. Al Franken exposed as sex predator who groped unconscious woman while proudly smiling for sick photo
U.S. Sen. Al Franken, a Democrat, sexually groped an unconscious woman and proudly smiled for a sick photo to show off his deed to others. The woman, named Leeann Tweeden, is a member of the media and has gone to the Middle East to help lift the morale of U.S. troops stationed there. She has […]
By Mike Adams
NYC truck terrorist shares the same anti-American ideology as left-wing media outlets and deranged Hollywood celebrities
I’m saying prayers tonight for all those innocent people in New York who were killed or injured by today’s ISIS terrorism attack. I also wonder at what point the deranged left-wing media will stop denying the existence of radical ISIS terrorism in America. The answer to that, of course, is more sinister than you might […]
By Mike Adams
Five things that just don’t add up about the Las Vegas mass shooting
Our hearts and prayers go out to all those killed or injured in the Las Vegas shooting, and in a nation where so many anti-Americans are kneeling in pampered protest, this mass shooting saw veterans and police officers standing up, helping the victims and heading straight for the shooter to take him out. Real Americans […]
By Mike Adams
Undercover Antifa video unveils coordinated plans to trap conservatives in “kill zones” to be stabbed and murdered by deranged Left-wing weirdos
A shocking new undercover video has surfaced, created by Steve Crowder, a radio host / comedian who went undercover for months to investigate the Antifa movement. The disturbing footage, shown below, reveals that Antifa is a domestic terrorist organization that’s secretly plotting stabbings and shootings while luring conservatives into “kill zones” to be executed by any […]
By Mike Adams
In our twisted “progressive” society, what takes real courage is STANDING for the national anthem… #BoycottNFL
In case you’re not following the current brouhaha involving the NFL and its player protesters who are refusing to stand for the national anthem — and I don’t blame you if you’re not following this deranged drama — it is now becoming apparent that the real act of courage and defiance in our twisted “progressive” […]
By Mike Adams
Insanity of the intolerant Left reaches whole new level of absurdity as ASIAN-Americans are now vilified for having the last name “Lee”
In case you haven’t kept up with the increasing insanity of the intolerant Left in America, ESPN has pulled an Asian-American announcer named “Robert Lee” from a college football game because his name might have “triggered” fragile snowflakes who have been transformed into shivering blobs of lunacy by the Left’s relentless attack on logic and […]
By Mike Adams
Why stop at mere censorship? Neo-Nazis should be banned from municipal water, electricity services and private property ownership rights, too
A new “cyber dark ages” has descended upon the internet as Apple, AirBNB, Facebook and other tech companies have decided that Neo-Nazis must be banned from everything. Tech companies are the new “thought police” of America. “[A]fter matching user names to posts on social-media profiles, [AirBNB] canceled dozens of reservations made by self-identified Nazis who […]
By Mike Adams
Health Ranger denounces Alt-Right, Alt-Left, violence, censorship, totalitarianism, intolerance, racism and stupidity
Part of my job is to scan the breaking news each day, and as I do that now, I can’t help but see this country ripping itself apart from runaway hatred, media lies and escalating violence breaking out with increasing frequency. It’s all gone way too far, and as I’ve repeatedly warned, it’s plunging us […]
By Mike Adams
The real goal of the intolerant Left is the outright extermination of conservative White culture (and elimination of the First Amendment)
It’s now perfectly clear that the real goal of the intolerant Left is the complete extermination of conservative White culture in America and the elimination of First Amendment rights for anyone who isn’t a Leftist. This is now abundantly clear after the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, where radical left-wing protesters (Antifa) clashed with angry right-wing […]
By Mike Adams
Best explanation yet of what happened in Charlottesville: Stefan Molyneux and Faith Goldy report the truth you won’t hear in the media
As usual, everything you’re being told about what happened in Charlottesville by the mainstream media is distorted for political effect. To sort it out and find out what really happened (and why it matters), you need to listen to independent, intelligent analysis from someone who was on the scene and saw exactly how many of […]
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