News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Why this all ends in civil war: Radical Left-wing fascism and intolerance meets right-wing nationalism and resistance
The entire Left-wing media has erupted today over the so-called “white nationalist” protest in Charlottesville where right-wing groups are protesting the systematic destruction of war monuments and white history in general. It’s worth noting that if the same event were flipped to Muslims, or African-Americans or women, it would be heralded by the Left-wing media […]
By Mike Adams
Google employees decry left-wing cult of oppression and intolerance… “witch hunts” target non-conformists to push social justice narratives
Under the incessant burden of Left-wing tolerati who demand absolute obedience to nonsense social justice narratives, Google is rapidly collapsing into a cultural cesspool of oppression, witch hunts and gang-ups that target non-conformists. The entire company has devolved into a social justice cesspool pushing extreme censorship, labeling all dissenting views “hatred” or “extremism” in order […]
By Mike Adams
Stanford professor: Students suffer “microaggressions” when told homework might be easy
In the latest chapter of libtard lunacy sweeping across America’s insane left-wing universities, a Stanford professor warns students against saying their homework was “easy” because it might trigger so-called “microaggressions” in other students who didn’t find it easy. Yes, the brave new world of weak-minded, universally-offended college crybully snowflakes now includes being “triggered” by homework, […]
By Mike Adams
Health Ranger blasts “crybully” CNN for outrageous double standards, gross hypocrisy and very fake news
CNN, once the leader in cable news, is now the leader in crybully journalism. After fabricating fake news to smear Donald Trump — and getting caught — CNN is now crying and whining that it’s the victim in all this. I call it “crybully journalism,” and it’s the same style of putrid, passive-aggressive journalism you […]
By Mike Adams
How Alex Jones made Megyn Kelly look like a complete FOOL
Look, I don’t agree with Alex Jones on everything, and he’s made some journalistic mistakes that he’s apologized for, but he sure pulled off a strategic victory against the fake news media (NBC, CNN, NYT, etc.) in his recent face-off with Megyn Kelly, leaving her looking like a complete fool. Actually, “fool” isn’t quite the […]
By Mike Adams
It’s time to clamp down on college CRYBULLIES and take back America’s universities from the lunatic Left
Were you aware that students at Evergreen College in Washington seized campus buildings, threatened white professors, made a “list of demands” to the college president and succeeded in being granted exemptions from all homework as a “reward” for their behavior? All across America, left-wing colleges are radically transforming into “terrorist training camps” for so-called “social […]
By Mike Adams
CRYBULLY MASTERY: After depicting deadly violence against the President, Kathy Griffin plays VICTIM card, claiming Trump bullied her
Up-and-coming crybullies take note: If you really want to master the art of crybully tactics, watch and learn how Kathy Griffin does it. First, Kathy makes a death threat against the President of the United States by holding up a bloody, decapitated head of Donald Trump, in effect encouraging hatred, violence and death against her […]
By Mike Adams
LOSING IT: Total liberal MELTDOWN over Trump’s Paris climate accord nullification demonstrates extreme derangement of climate change cultists
As expected, fanatical climate change cultists are totally melting down in another irrational, emotionally charged frenzy over President Trump‘s correct decision to pull the United States out of the Paris climate accord scam, a genocidal attack on Mother Nature and all plant life across our planet. The Paris climate accord is nothing but a big […]
By Mike Adams
America’s universities have become training camps for violent left-wing extremism
Over the last decade or so, we’ve all watch in horror as America’s universities have been turned into what can now clearly be called extremism training camps for left-wing fascists. Instead of teaching students to be responsible adults with critical thinking skills, colleges and universities now focus on obedience training coupled with deeply-ingrained hatred, intolerance […]
By Mike Adams
Netflix begins SCIENCE PURGE to remove all genetics education from science videos in order to appease Left-wing “gender fluid” lunatics like Bill Nye
People laughed when I predicted in this Bill Nye story about how he thinks transgenderism is “evolution” that California would begin purging genetics education from its textbooks to appease the lunatic Left. Not even two weeks after my prediction, Netflix has already begun its Orwellian purge of science education from older videos, “stealth editing” genetics […]
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