News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Why every new generation is just another mindless herd that gets financially obliterated by another stock market bubble collapse
It’s always amazing to me how easily people suffer from popular delusions and the madness of crowds. Most humans are, in essence, herd animals, meaning that their beliefs, perceptions, behaviors and even their “facts” are determined almost entirely by social conformity rather than evidence of reality. Seemingly unique to humans is the ability to cognitively […]
By Mike Adams
“Fact-checkers” don’t know the real facts about history, medicine, economics, politics or science
If you look closely at the so-called “fact-checkers” who claim to exercise oversight on the media and online information, it turns out they know almost no real facts about history, medicine, economics, politics or science. “Fact-checkers” turn out to be nothing more than biased, uninformed liberal propagandists who are astonishingly ignorant (even scientifically illiterate) about […]
By Mike Adams
University declares gravity to be “intolerant” … removes all weighing scales from the gym to avoid “triggering” snowflake students
Machines that measure gravity’s pull on the human body have been declared “intolerant” by Carleton University, which decided to pull all body weight scales from its gym in order to avoid “triggering” snowflake students. As reported by CBC news (Canada): The paper quotes one student as saying, “Scales are very triggering” for people with eating […]
By Mike Adams
Google to start flagging content found to be “offensive” by crybully snowflakes who are triggered by reality
You might want to hurry and read this article before Google eliminates it from the “politically correct” landscape of the internet: Google has added a new “offensive” flag that allows human quality reviewers to flag whatever content they don’t like. Who, exactly, are these Google quality reviewers? Psychologically fragile crybully snowflakes, of course. These are […]
By Mike Adams
The one simple message every crybaby snowflake needs to hear: NO, you are not special by default
Every mature person in America is fed up with all the “snowflake” crybullies, whiners and “faux outrage” activists screaming and protesting on cue with blind obedience. So today, I’ve released a message that every “snowflake” needs to hear: NO, you are not special by default. You are not remarkable simply for existing. There’s nothing whatsoever […]
By Mike Adams
The ten false fears of the unhinged left that have transformed once-productive citizens into quivering mounds of Trump-a-noia
Like many Americans, I’ve watch the bizarre anti-Trump “women’s march” events and wildly dishonest media coverage over the last few days with a sense of amusement. What’s remarkable about everything being voiced by the unhinged left these days is that none of it has any basis in fact or reason. The “war on women” doesn’t […]
By Mike Adams
The Electoral College is the very definition of inclusiveness and diversity… no wonder the crybullies on the left want to dismantle it
Never try to teach a pigeon to play chess, people say. It wastes your time, annoys the pigeon, and you end up with pigeon crap all over your playing board. By the same token, never try to teach a liberal how a representational Republic works. It wastes your time, annoys the liberal, and you end […]
By Mike Adams
TRIGGER WARNING: Why precious college snowflakes will eliminate themselves from the human gene pool at the next natural selection event
In a society that teaches youth “everyone’s a winner,” no one learns how to lose. From this, we get a pampered, protected, hyper-triggered population of young, homogenized losers who all mistakenly think they are forever on the winning side of history. So when the power of the American Republic turns against their delusional fantasies and […]
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