News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
So much for “transparency”: Democrats sneak billions in handouts to illegal aliens in gigantic $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill
Throughout President Donald Trump’s term Democrats accused him of being less-than-truthful about his policies. They claimed that in order to bring “transparency” back to government, Americans must elect Joe Biden. And Biden himself promised transparency on the campaign trail. But Democrats, in nearly every case, do exactly the opposite of what they claim to want […]
By JD Heyes
Was Facebook whistleblower just a CIA PSYOP? Haugen’s attorney is former intelligence officer with ties to Trump-Ukraine impeachment, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer
The more we learn about the “Facebook whistleblower,” Frances Haugen, the more the entire situation looks like a massive circle jerk and psychological operation (PSYOP) aimed at throwing us all off the real dangers of the deep state and the big tech behemoth that it serves. “This Facebook whistleblower nonsense is likely an intel op […]
By JD Heyes
Groups push back on national school board org’s efforts to punish parents as “domestic terrorists” for exercising their right to oppose divisive curriculum
If you never thought America would devolve into an actual police state, your opinion was probably changed at the start of, and during, the COVID-19 pandemic, when one left-wing authoritarian mayor and governor after another imposed soul-and-economy-crushing lockdowns. And now that vaccines are available, many of these same people including medical groups, hospitals and corporations […]
By JD Heyes
Pharma retailer CVS tells employees complaining about critical race theory they are racists who need to shut up
For decades, beginning in the late 1960s-early 1970s, critical race theory was an obscure hypothesis limited to academia, but in recent years it has been increasingly introduced into American society, exploited by the Marxist left as a means of dividing — and conquering — our society. In the months following the George Floyd murder, left-wing hacks […]
By JD Heyes
Lunacy: Left-wing doctor says government should “go after” “anti-science” independent media for reporting truth about COVID vax dangers
A left-wing pediatrician and professor who serves as a medical “expert” for CNN has openly called on the federal government to completely torch the First Amendment and “go after” any right-leaning or independent media outlet reporting truths about the sometimes dangerous and deadly COVID-19 vaccines, calling such publications “anti-science.” “CNN’s favorite bow-tie-wearing expert, Peter Hotez, […]
By JD Heyes
Is this even America? Clark County, Nev., declares truthful reporting about COVID to be a “public health crisis” by labeling it “disinformation”
Western governments around the world are continuing to exploit the COVID-19 pandemic to enhance their power and deprive their citizens of hard-won, hard-fought rights that are supposed to be guaranteed and protected, and that includes the United States, where many Democrat-controlled jurisdictions have simply begun to ignore the Constitution altogether because they’ve been getting away […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing media goes after rapper Nicki Minaj in escalation of “war” over her comments warning about COVID-19 vaccine
To assume that rapper and international entertainer Nicki Minaj is anything but a liberal would be foolish, as she has made it quite plain in the past that with respect to her political and social views, she does not differ much at all from her left-wing colleagues in the business. But it turns out that […]
By JD Heyes
If you do things well and in a timely manner, you’re guilty of “white supremacy,” says Colorado University
If you haven’t picked up on it yet, the Marxist American left, which owns every level of our education system, is full-tilt working to destroy the fabric of society so their master revolutionaries can step in to ‘restore order’ while imposing authoritarian rule, the way all democracies have been overthrown since Karl Marx first put […]
By JD Heyes
Virginia education plan for third graders appears to celebrate communism, as hard-left indoctrination of our kids continues apace
It is becoming increasingly obvious that parents who legitimately care about their children’s future and want them to enjoy all of the founding principles of America — freedom, individual liberty, and the pursuit of happiness on their own terms — have got to do one of two things. One, they have to get rid of […]
By JD Heyes
Co-founder of “fact-check” site Snopes suspended by his own company after being caught in bizarre plagiarizing scandal
We’ve told our readers for years that most of the so-called “fact-check” websites are nothing more than left-wing propaganda mills that essentially legitimize information published by the left-wing mainstream media. Now we have additional proof of that. Thanks to an expose by Buzzfeed News (which has been known to tilt left itself), the co-founder of the […]
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