News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
The Marxist left is pushing for a full breakup of America so the tyrants can rule over the ashes unchallenged by patriots: And they’re using race to do it
Anyone who is familiar with Karl Marx’s teachings knows that he hated capitalism and that his plan to defeat it was by fomenting and exploiting citizens using class warfare. Today’s Democrats are all students of Marx, as are the corporate CEOs and academics, the latter of whom believe they will become part of the ‘ruling class’ […]
By JD Heyes
STUPID: National Geographic says race is a made-up construct but whites should nevertheless be ashamed of THEIR race
There is little today coming from the left that makes any sense at all, and that is especially true when it comes to identity — identity politics, that is. There are dozens of genders, in case you weren’t aware, not just two (male and female). Anyone can claim to be any of those genders they choose, and […]
By JD Heyes
Dems just passed legislation that will make it a crime for anyone to criticize China, especially over COVID-19
Are you an American who thinks China is a rising power and becoming a huge national security threat to America? Do you believe China poses a significant economic threat to our country? Are you angry that the Wuhan coronavirus, a.k.a. COVID-19, was exported to America from a Chinese lab? Are you upset enough about all […]
By JD Heyes
Black Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot gets away with blatant racism because she’s a Democrat: Refuses to grant white reporters interview access
Americans who seriously believe that Democrats are the party of “inclusion,” “tolerance,” “anti-fascism,” “anti-bigotry,” and “anti-racism” are seriously deluding themselves by constantly ignoring what is obvious: The Democratic Party is none of those things. While on the one hand the party tries to portray itself as ‘diverse’ and ‘mindful of persons of color,’ the political leaders […]
By JD Heyes
Biden Pentagon’s “extremism” czar seeks to purge all MAGA personnel in bid to purge patriots from last viable American institution: The military
Joe Biden’s handlers continue to demonstrate their anti-Americanism by the day, attacking the remaining vestiges of our founding institutions. The military, especially, has come under assault by these Marxists because it really is the last bastion of pro-American patriotism. Republicans are finally pulling their heads out of some dark, smelly places and getting wise to […]
By JD Heyes
Biden admin going to war with states in aggressive bid by the left to completely destroy women’s sports
The Democratic Party took up the cause of feminism and “women’s rights” for five decades and actually managed to make a lot of progress in terms of achieving a more equal playing field for women in that time span. All-female sports leagues for instance, were among the many achievements beginning in the 1970s when Democrats […]
By JD Heyes
Now it’s just getting stupid: Wokester student journalist at Northwestern claims the way whites occupy sidewalks is ‘racist’
Anyone with a modicum of common sense and just a little bit of life experience knew some time ago that appeasing left-wing Marxists was never going to end well because there is no appeasing left-wing Marxists. No matter how much society gives in to these racist, intolerant gaslighters, it was never going to be enough. […]
By JD Heyes
Enough! Project Veritas files defamation lawsuits against CNN, New York Times after repeated false claims about the org
Project Veritas, one of the most reputable investigative journalism organizations in the country, has had enough of being defamed by ‘state media’ outlets like CNN and The New York Times, so the group has filed a lawsuit against both, as well as CNN host Ana Cabrera. The suit filed against CNN on Monday claims that […]
By JD Heyes
Fake news NBC deceptively edits 911 call, video from fatal police shooting in Columbus with knife-wielding black teen
To say that the so-called ‘mainstream’ media is in bed with Democratic efforts to gaslight our country into secession and civil war is an understatement and perhaps the biggest of the year so far. The evidence is plain: Every time there is an incident in the country that can be exploited for the Democrats’ political […]
By JD Heyes
Lunacy: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg says American infrastructure has ‘racism physically built’ into it
The lunatics on the left have cried ‘racism!’ ‘racism!’ so often now that literally everything in America is racist. Of course, if everything is racist then nothing truly is — not the least of which is actual racism, as in, treating someone poorly because of their ethnicity and/or skin color. But the left has decided that […]
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