News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
No, Trump did not “incite insurrection” ahead of the Capitol Building riot, so why are Joe Biden and Mitch McConnell saying he did?
Yes, Democrats are set to impeach President Donald Trump again, and like last time, they are inventing a reason why. Before, Democrats claimed Trump committed “high crimes and misdemeanors” when he allegedly demanded a “quid pro quo” from the Ukrainian president — specifically, that he linked U.S. military aid to a pledge from the Ukrainian […]
By JD Heyes
Treasonous NY Times claimed Russia was putting bounties on U.S. troops to bash Trump when it was really the ChiComs who did it
During the horrific reign of Adolph Hitler, The New York Times subverted decency by aiding and abetting the Holocaust through acts of omission — that is, by failing to accurately describe Hitler’s act of genocide against the Jews. These days, the paper’s treasonous editors and reporters satisfy and amuse themselves by lying to the American […]
By JD Heyes
Lunacy: Seattle actually considering legislation that would legalize nearly all misdemeanor crimes
If you live in Seattle and you’re okay with turning your city into one massive crime zone, then by all means, ignore this story. But if you’re a Seattle resident who believes in law and order, then you might want to read on. The lunatic leftists who ‘run things’ in the Emerald City are actually […]
By JD Heyes
Now it’s just getting stupid: AMA declares racism a “public health threat” in virtue-signal to leftists
For nearly a year, Democrats and left-wing academics who claim to know all about COVID-19 “science” have been telling us fairy tales like all masks work, perpetual lockdowns are good and don’t cause additional harm, and President Donald Trump didn’t lift a finger in response to the pandemic. First of all, the only proven effective […]
By JD Heyes
Democrats are now actively making threats of violence against Trump-appointed federal judges – where is the Justice Department?
It’s now become painfully obvious that Democratic lawmakers in the age of President Donald Trump have become petulant, childish, petty individuals who will do anything and say anything to keep their perpetually triggered base on a hair-trigger. But that said, it’s high time the Justice Department started doing its job and investigate — and charge, […]
By JD Heyes
When Democrats fight the results of elections it’s “patriotic” but when the GOP does, suddenly it’s “treason”
Democrats are the party of hypocrisy, and while that most often is just a matter of mocking them for it, sometimes it’s a threat to our republic. Like when it comes to opposing election results or, in the case of the 2016 election, making up a fake narrative to oppose the election results. For the […]
By JD Heyes
Thug Democrats who run Michigan threaten legal action against Big League Politics over #DetroitLeaks exclusive showing vote fraud training
Michiganders who thought the Democrats they elected as governor and attorney general were honest folks who cared about them and the welfare of the state got a rude awakening over the summer. As COVID-19 restrictions and mandatory business closures swept the nation, Michigan’s authoritarian governor, Gretchen Whitmer, issued so many ridiculous and ultimately illegal orders […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing cowards threaten to put conservatives and Trump supporters on “lists” to deal with at a later date — just like the Nazis dealt with Jews
For supporters of President Donald Trump who are tempted to believe Joe Biden will bring “unity” to America, we’re here to tell you straight up right now: Disabuse yourself of that belief, because it’s not going to happen. In fact, as several conservative analysts and backers of the president have opined in the past, what’s […]
By JD Heyes
“Anonymous” author who trashed Trump and tried to blow up his administration turns out to be low-level staffer with little access
In 2018, The New York Times took “the rare step” of publishing an anonymous op-ed from “a senior official” within the Trump administration — because it was critical of President Donald Trump, of course. The article came complete with a yellow-and-black animation of people tugging on a rope tied to a map of the United […]
By JD Heyes
The party of chaos! Dem Philly police leader who took knee with BLM ordered officers to stand down as riots, looting swept city
Philadelphia became the latest ‘ground zero’ for looting, rioting, violence and unrest last week following what appears to be another justified shooting by police of a black man who was coming at them with a knife and who refused to put it down after being ordered to do so several times. According to reports — […]
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