News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
New evidence emerges that Marxist Democrats are trying to rig the 2020 election outcome with dark money from “unemployed” donors
President Donald Trump is unquestionably the most ‘outsider’ president our country has ever had, practically since the founding of our country. That much is proven by the many ways in which his opponents have literally tried to depose him — actions that, once upon a time, would have swiftly brought about charges of sedition and […]
By JD Heyes
Don’t look now, but “misgendering” is now an “act of violence,” meaning Leftist punishment for this heinous “crime” is coming next
The far Left’s ‘gender’ absurdity is continuing, and you can bet that this latest ‘infraction’ will push us further down the road to a time when anyone who insults an LGBTQ individual will face some sort of punitive action. While coronavirus continues to kill Americans, the Chinese are on the move in Asia, our economy […]
By JD Heyes
The Atlantic joins the ranks of the fake news “mainstream media” with totally debunked hit piece accusing Trump of trashing American war dead
Generally speaking, Republican presidents, especially in the World War II post-war era, have been extremely pro-military, and Donald J. Trump is no exception. In fact, you could legitimately say that Trump is more ‘pro-military’ than even George W. Bush — who did love the military — because Trump is the first president in a generation […]
By JD Heyes
Democrats just declared they’re going to rip off the 2020 election, even revealing HOW they’re going to do it
If you listen long enough, Democrats will always reveal their diabolical plans, but they always disguise them as things that Republicans are planning to do. Like steal the 2020 presidential election. No, really. They’re planning on stealing it because they know there is no way anyone they nominated was going to beat President Donald Trump. […]
By JD Heyes
Reason magazine goes pro-Antifa, says investigations of funding sources should be stopped
Once upon a time, the billionaire Koch Brothers were reliable funders of Republican causes but that appears to have changed now that the head of the party is a fellow billionaire the bros did not choose. In other words, the Koch Brothers never were conservatives or constitutionalists: They are and have always been elitist establishment […]
By JD Heyes
Democrats are lying: Vote fraud IS real and it’s been occurring in THEIR cities for years, says an operative who ran ballot fraud operations for Dems
We keep hearing Democrats and their propagandists in the ‘mainstream media’ claim there is no such thing as ‘widespread voter fraud,’ but as is always the case, the truth is always just the opposite of what the Donkey Party and its allies claim. While instances of voter fraud have been widely reported, even if not […]
By JD Heyes
Did Joe Biden just threaten America with MORE violence if President Trump is reelected?
One of the most underreported aspects of the current violence, unrest and chaos that continues night after night in major cities across America is the fact that the people creating the mayhem all have the same message: Revolution. Now, most Americans will dismiss such calls as nothing more than empty rhetoric being shouted by a […]
By JD Heyes
All that’s wrong with our society: GoFundMe account for Kenosha THUG Jacob Blake raises millions while good cops are slandered, fired, ruined
The “thin blue line” that is already barely holding our civil society together as it is coming off a summer of ‘defund the police’ rioting and looting is getting thinner by the day as America’s criminal element grows in power, influence, and — apparently — wealth. In fact, we wouldn’t be surprised to wake up […]
By JD Heyes
Taxpayer-supported NPR embraces looting and rioting — how long before the Left-wing network voices support for political genocide against conservatives?
In the dystopian, Orwellian world of the Left, up is down, right is wrong, wrong is right, bad is good, and criminal activity is the new justice. Oh, and there is no good racism or class warfare unless the racism is directed against white people and the class warfare consumes the productive wealthy and middle […]
By JD Heyes
FLASHBACK: As rioting, looting, and violence plague American cities, never forget it was DEMOCRATS like Maxine Waters who called for it
After yet another night of violence grotesquely mischaracterized as “peaceful protests” in Portland, another person has lost their life, gunned down, apparently, by a Left-wing maniac simply because he disagreed politically with the victim. According to media reports, a victim wearing a Patriot Prayer cap and other articles of clothing showing his support for police […]
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