News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Another Jussie Smollett? Alleged “noose” found in black NASCAR racer’s garage revealed as a HOAX
Tens of millions of Americans were outraged after “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett claimed that he was attacked and severely beaten by two “MAGA-hat-wearing” white people outside a Chicago Subway in the wee hours of the morning in February 2019. The actor said he was not only attacked, but called racial epithets and doused with a […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing anarchist plan to scrub America of its founding history advancing rapidly as calls for removing Jesus from public areas now being heard
The Marxist Left has seized upon the death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police as an opportunity to launch a full-blown cultural revolution in America, with the goal of completely wiping out our way of life, form of government, and anything at all associated with our founding. The latest evidence is […]
By JD Heyes
Entertainment elite prove again they hate America with fundraising concert for ChiCom-sympathizing WHO after Trump cuts funding over coronavirus lies
The Left-wing, tone-deaf, out-of-touch liberals in the entertainment industry so hate President Donald Trump and the Republican Party he represents, they instinctively provide aid and comfort to our potential enemies and the international organizations that favor them. They proved it once again in recent days by holding a major fundraising event for the World Health […]
By JD Heyes
AOC demands coronavirus relief money be used to pay “reparations” to “black” and “brown” people because the disease is racist and bigoted or something
In keeping with the far-Left Democratic mantra of never letting a good crisis go to waste, freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (DS-N.Y.) is making an odd and inappropriate demand on a chunk of relief money aimed at stemming the financial and economic damage caused by Wuhan coronavirus-related business closures. Because the coronavirus is ‘racist’ and ‘bigoted’ […]
By JD Heyes
Free speech being destroyed by gender Nazis wearing black robes as court rules AGAINST professor who refused to address student with trans pronouns
In a country founded on the principle that everyone has a voice and that speech isn’t something that can or should be regulated, the First Amendment is increasingly coming under attack by activist judges who shun the law of the land in deference to the law of political correctness. As reported by The New American, […]
By JD Heyes
House Democrats vote against measure that prevented powerful government financial board from discriminating against people based on religion, politics
When Democrats passed and President Obama signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, critics immediately attacked it as intrusive, unnecessary and patently unconstitutional. According to Investopedia, the act “is a massive piece of financial reform legislation” that came in response to the “Great Recession” of 2007-2008. The roughly 2,300-page act, which was […]
By JD Heyes
PC gone berserk: Asian ‘rape gang’ allowed to freely roam streets of London as cops told “find other ethnicities” to investigate
The extreme liberalism that has overwhelmed most European countries is now beginning to overwhelm common sense and public safety, as one British detective’s claims indicate. As reported by the UK’s Telegraph, at least one Asian “grooming gang,” which is just a fancy term for rape, was permitted to continue roaming the streets of London to […]
By JD Heyes
Wow: Prominent Johns Hopkins surgeon and top gun control advocate may have FAKED a death threat in order ‘make his case’ that firearms are bad
As readers know, it’s not above a Leftist to fake a threat against himself or herself in order to advance their political objectives. Racist hoaxes happen all the time, and nine out of 10 times it’s a Left-wing Democrat who is staging it. One of the most famous recent hoaxes involved actor Jussie Smollett who […]
By JD Heyes
Panderer-in-chief: Bloomberg promises taxpayer-funded free gender surgery and housing to transgenders
The biggest difference between President Donald Trump and every single one of the Democratic presidential contenders running for their party’s nomination is this: Self-empowerment versus government handouts. The Democrat Party long ago abandoned any pretense of being a “party of the common American” and instead became the party of bigger and more expensive, intrusive government. […]
By JD Heyes
Utah bans “conversion therapy” for minor children who may have no idea what ‘LGBTQ’ even is
Utah has become the first truly conservative state to implement regulations banning “conversion therapy” for “LGBTQ” children after it received backing from the influential Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons). As reported by the UK’s Daily Mail, Utah’s ban of the “discredited practice” makes it the 19th state to do so and, because […]
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