News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Next wave of lawsuits involving Covington Catholic kids being launched against Leftists who incited violence against them
A year ago this month, a group of young men from Covington Catholic School in Kentucky were in Washington, D.C., attending a pro-life event and sightseeing when they were accosted by a Native American activist named Nathan Phillips. While the teens were taking in the Lincoln Memorial, Phillips approached one, Nick Sandmann, and began banging […]
By JD Heyes
UCLA law professor freely admits his university “leans heavily to the Left” and cares little for promoting “conservative, religious” diversity
Ordinarily, liberal academics who long ago infiltrated and dominated America’s college and university campuses try to conceal the fact that politically speaking, they are to the Left of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin. But recently one UCLA law school professor not only came out and admitted that his institution is dominated by Left-wing political thought, […]
By JD Heyes
Don’t buy into the Left-wing propaganda: Stats show there is no “murder epidemic” of transgenders
Almost nothing Left-wing Democrats and their sycophantic allies in the media, academia and the entertainment industry say about American culture and society is true. One of the most current and outrageous lies has to do with transgendered individuals: We’re being told that they are killed and/or hurt much more frequently, per capita, than non-transgendered Americans. […]
By JD Heyes
Once again, Michael Moore proves the Left’s double standard when it comes to racism: Bashing whites okay, but not blacks or Hispanics
The far Left, which has hijacked the Democrat Party, continues to wage war against America by tearing away at our cohesive social fabric. One way they do this is by playing identity politics, the act of pitting one ethnic group against another or, more specifically, all ethnic groups against majority whites. That gargantuan blowhard and […]
By JD Heyes
One-third of Democrat primary voters confirm they want to confiscate all your guns at gunpoint, even if you’ve never committed a crime
There has been a lot of discussion among pro-Second Amendment Americans what will happen in Virginia early next year after Democrats take full control of the state legislature. With the help of a Democratic governor, Ralph Northam, the Donkey Party has been promising a wave of new gun control legislation that could include confiscations, red […]
By JD Heyes
Trump-supporting women attacked by Left-wing lunatics at swanky D.C. affair who called them “c**ts” and Nazis
While Left-wing Democrats continually claim that President Donald Trump and his supporters are “bullies” and “authoritarians,” they are actually the ones who are actually guilty of such behavior. In fact, a group of Leftist women demonstrated that again earlier this week when they attacked and verbally assaulted a group of ladies who support the president. […]
By JD Heyes
Discredited SPLC now claims group of singing nuns is a “hate group” … while bigoted, violent Leftists are characterized as “tolerant”
The Southern Poverty Law Center is regularly cited by Leftist Democrats and their like-minded propagandists in the “mainstream” media as ‘the authority’ on “hate groups.” But the fact is, the SPLC is the real hate group. There are nothing but haters who work for this organization, and this becomes obvious when the group is scrutinized. […]
By JD Heyes
Coming to a Democrat-run city near you: Shoplifting mobs becoming a “thing” as the Left continues to destroy civil society
The American Left is out to destroy the social fabric of our country, as several trends in recent years suggest. Thanks to Barack Obama, American Leftists began hating on local police, accusing them of “murdering” black people and generally trampling on people’s rights. Left-wing prosecutors are refusing to enforce local ordinances under the guise of […]
By JD Heyes
War on American history continues as Marxist mayor demands removal of armed soldier silhouettes at a veterans memorial
Beginning in the 1960s with widespread ‘rebellion’ against traditionalist America, the Left has waged a culture war on our history. For decades most of the battles were fought out of the limelight and received little attention nationally, but with the spread of social media and the election of Barack Obama as president in 2008, the […]
By JD Heyes
“The View” host Joy Behar accidentally admits the DECEPTION behind the gun confiscation agenda
For years, Democrats and their sycophantic supporters have used deception to push their political objectives and agenda. They change words and the meaning of words in order to hide what they’re doing. “Global warming,” for instance, has become “climate change” because the hard data undermined their claims that the Earth was warming; but who can […]
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