News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Now Leftists go insane over meme of President Trump honoring military dog involved in the recent ISIS leader raid
Left-wing lunatics and Democrats filled with rage over the fact that they’ve been unable to oust President Donald Trump from office since he defeated the most criminally investigated presidential contender in generations, Hillary Clinton, are now so unhinged that they are reflexively triggered by him. To wit: Now, even dogs are on the Democrat hate […]
By JD Heyes
When Islamic fathers murder their sons for being gay, there’s no outcry from the Left because protecting Islam is a higher priority than protecting gays
Young Western Leftists are confused about a lot of things — capitalism versus socialism/communism, for example, believing the latter economic models are superior — because the people responsible for educating them have lied to them for years. They’ve been conditioned to believe that their feelings and their virtue signaling are more important than critical thinking […]
By JD Heyes
Google and Wikipedia are a tag-team monopoly disinfo factory trying to re-write all events to fit Democrat narratives
Former Google employees-turned whistleblowers have repeatedly provided evidence and documentation of the tech-and-media giant’s ongoing efforts to shunt and censor information and news reports that are favorable to President Donald Trump and Republicans. The objective of Google, which is run by Left-wing sycophants and brainwashed Marxists, is to change elections in favor of like-minded Democrats […]
By JD Heyes
Washington Post proves why Trump calls media “enemies of the state” — paper praises ISIS leader killed by U.S. special forces
The Democrat Party activists who pretend to be journalists have so much hatred for President Donald Trump and his supporters they have done all they could to undermine and depose him since before he even took office. Their behavior has led the president to characterize members of the mainstream media as “enemies of the people.” […]
By JD Heyes
In the age of President Trump, everyone who disagrees with “America First” is now deemed a “Russian asset”
Recently, two-time presidential loser Hillary Clinton delighted her shrinking fan base, infuriated Democrats, and made everyone else scratch their heads after she claimed that 2020 Donkey Party presidential contender Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii was a “Russian asset” who is being groomed by Moscow to make a “third-party run.” “I’m not making any predictions,” Hillary […]
By JD Heyes
LOL: CNN says anyone who says anything that might align in any way with Russian views is a Russian asset, all to cover for Hillary Clinton
We’ve known for some time, like tens of millions of Americans, that CNN is a pathetic ‘news’ network in the tank for Democrats and especially certain Democrats, like Bill and Hillary Clinton. But the network’s correspondents continue to play the role of Democrat propagandists even when it doesn’t have to because, well, they just can’t […]
By JD Heyes
The PURGE continues ahead of the attempted unleashing of deranged Leftists in a nationwide political coup and revolution
As Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg tells members of Congress his company isn’t targeting conservatives, Trump supporters, America-first patriots and others who don’t toe the Left-wing Marxist line, the social media giant is continuing to kick pages off the platform seemingly because of their political bent. The latest casualty is the “Bikers for America” page, allegedly […]
By JD Heyes
Schiff made it all up: There are no whistleblowers… criminal coup effort relies on endless series of fabrications from deep state Dems
For more than a few weeks we’ve been told that a “whistleblower” from the CIA claims President Trump made inappropriate demands of the Ukrainian president in July when the two spoke regarding “dirt” on former Vice President Joe Biden, who is running for the Democratic Party presidential nomination. Though the president and the White House […]
By JD Heyes
It’s ALL theater: There is no “impeachment inquiry” and Dems haven’t sent subpoenas to anyone in the Trump administration… the media is lying (again)
Democrats and their sycophantic allies in the Washington media are once again staging political theater in an attempt to convince more Americans that President Trump committed an impeachable offense during a phone call with the Ukrainian president earlier this summer. If you listen to the Dems and the media, they say Trump asked President Zelensky […]
By JD Heyes
The corporate media is engaged in open TREASON against America (and must be stopped)
It’s high time to call the “mainstream” media in America what it is: an enemy of the republic, an enemy of the people, and an enemy of liberty. If our founders would have envisioned in 1787 what the media has become today — an organization that is wholly committed to promoting and electing a single […]
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