News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Radical Left now calling for ban of voting rights for all straight white men… this is what we will face if Democrats win
The Democrat Party in the age of POTUS Obama and POTUS Trump has gone completely rogue and should no longer be considered a viable American political entity. That’s because the positions members of the party continually adopt are so far outside our founding mores, values, and principles as to be unrecognizable even to Democrats of […]
By JD Heyes
Megan Kelly fired from NBC over “blackface” Halloween costume suggestion proves there is no placating the language police of the Left
TV personality Megyn Kelly rose up the ranks at Fox News over the course of several years, finally earning a coveted spot on prime-time with her own news magazine program that was highly successful. But like all rising stars, eventually they fall, and Kelly’s fell dramatically after she asked then-GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump about his […]
By JD Heyes
FINALLY: Female cyclist cries FOUL over biological man winning women’s cycling championship by claiming to be a transgender woman
It took a while for someone to muster up the courage to speak out against the growing number of sports scandals being perpetrated by transgenders, but someone finally did. Jennifer Wagner, who was born as a woman and still claims to be one, has trained for years as a cyclist. But in a recent world […]
By JD Heyes
Two more GOP candidates attacked by Leftists in Minnesota: Violence is now officially a Democrat political tactic
No doubt England’s King George, circa 1776, believed that rebellious British subjects in the ‘New World’ were treasonous for taking up arms against the Crown. The way it turned out, though, was historic: A country was born on the universal principles of self-rule, freedom, and liberty, never before seen in modern human history. Today, however, […]
By JD Heyes
Democrats LIE about their real intentions in order to win elections… because they could never win if they were honest
Following Barack Obama’s first two years as president, his Democratic Party began an unprecedented decline in popularity, losing seats on the local, state, and federal level by the hundreds. Then 2016 rolled around and Democrats – along with their propaganda division, the “mainstream” media – believed that their electoral fortunes were about to shift. Hillary […]
By JD Heyes
WashPost reporter apologizes, admits to pushing totally fake news about the Gabby Giffords shooting
Publishing fake news is something the Washington Post does very frequently but apologizing for it doesn’t happen very often. That’s what caught us off-guard when one of the paper’s reporters apologized for making an incendiary accusation about conservatives that was completely and utterly false. As noted by Mediate, various media types have insinuated or suggested outright […]
By JD Heyes
Study shows that nearly ALL Americans hate political correctness – except rich, white liberals
The concept of politically correct speech is a construct of the Left, but it is something that the vast majority of Americans absolutely loathe, according to a new study. Academics Stephen Hawkins, Daniel Yudkin, Miriam Juan-Torres, and Tim Dixon argue in their paper, “Hidden Tribes: A Study of America’s Polarized Landscape,” that despite what we […]
By JD Heyes documents what Democrats refuse to acknowledge: They are being taken over by Left-wing “shock troops”
During a ‘discussion’ on his program Tuesday about the rise of Left-wing mobs that threaten, intimidate and employ physical violence against Trump supporters and Republicans in general, CNN host Don Lemon angrily shut down a conservative dissenter, claiming that such behavior was protected speech under the First Amendment. The discussion got so heated that at one […]
By JD Heyes
The Left insists “Women must always be believed,” but what about when they’re lying?
If you watched the Christine Blasey Ford/Brett Kavanaugh testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee a few weeks ago, you likely heard Democrats parroting the line that Ford had to be believed simply because her allegations of sexual abuse at the hands of the newest Supreme Court justice 36 years ago at a party somewhere, sometime, […]
By JD Heyes
Democrats now considering becoming “more ruthless” after they lost on Kavanaugh
As violent as the lunatic Left has gotten, there are renewed pledges from the perpetually angry to take their hate to a new level after losing the battle to keep Justice Brett Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court. But if you believe far-Left Politico, it’s Republicans who have been “ruthless” in the age of POTUS Trump, […]
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