News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
This is the Left: Prof who called for GOP deaths ADMITS she doxes her “haters”
After watching Democratic senators pull out all the stops in their attempt to assassinate the character of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, one of the finest legal minds in our country, it should surprise no one that most of the party’s sycophantic supporters are equally depraved. Take Georgetown Prof. Christine Fair, the feminazi, to borrow […]
By JD Heyes
Nancy Pelosi describes “wrap-up smear” tactic to destroy conservative targets like Brett Kavanaugh
If you are someone who thought that the sexual assault allegations against Justice Brett Kavanaugh smelled like a Democratic setup the whole time, pat yourself on the back because you were right. Having the allegations surface after the Senate Judiciary Committee’s initial confirmation hearings, having a Democrat bring them, and having them brought after Dem […]
By JD Heyes
NBC goes full RACIST, says the problem with America is “white women”
There isn’t a day that goes by when someone on the Left, be it a politician, a social or political commentator, an entertainer, or an academic doesn’t accuse someone on the right of being “racist,” a “bigot,” or a “-phobe” or an “-ist.” The Left, which once fought against stereotypes when they were the ones […]
By JD Heyes
Leftists Dems go completely unhinged after Kavanaugh swear-in, threaten to behead GOP senator’s wife
On Saturday, Americans received a legal blessing that a large plurality of the country does not appreciate and likely never will: Judge Brett Kavanaugh became Justice Brett Kavanaugh after he was sworn in as the nation’s 114th member of the U.S. Supreme Court. A young 53, Kavanaugh can potentially serve for decades, meaning that America will […]
By JD Heyes
PURE EVIL of the radical Left on display as Colbert comedy writer celebrates “ruining life” of Brett Kavanaugh
The political battle over the confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh was unlike any seen since the days when Democrats tried to ruin the life and reputation of Justice Clarence Thomas in the early 1990s, when he was nominated by President George H. W. Bush. The tactic used by Democrats back then to stop Thomas’ nomination was […]
By JD Heyes
NBA now running economic sabotage campaign against Kanye for daring to support Trump
In an age when black unemployment is near historic lows and the president gets credit for that, more blacks are becoming supporters of POTUS. One of them is rapper Kanye West. Over the past year, he’s become one of the president’s biggest supporters in the black community, though that support has not come without a […]
By JD Heyes
Meet the deranged lunatics that now typify Democrats in America, a cesspool of mental illness pretending to be a political party
Supporters of the Democratic Party have become increasingly unhinged, beginning on Election Night 2016, and Trump Derangement Syndrome remains a thing to this day. In fact, it’s safe to say the affliction is both spreading and deepening among the president’s most vociferous critics. Witness the recent hearings involving Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Or the […]
By JD Heyes
Remember when Obama admitted to smoking weed and using cocaine in high school? Nobody cared, because he was a Democrat
Do you remember all those times with the “mainstream media” treated President Barack Obama with the same degree of scrutiny and derision with which they treat President Donald Trump? Neither do we, but the question wasn’t posed to solicit an answer, it was posed to make a point about what never happened to Obama and […]
By JD Heyes
Stunning hypocrisy: Dem probe of sex abuse charges against Rep. Keith Ellison finds allegations alone NOT enough to conclude guilt
You have to hand it to the Democratic Party. When it comes to blatant hypocrisy, not only are they incredibly consistent, they have an uncanny ability to lie to you with a straight face. As you likely know, Democrats have come out in full-throated support of allegations made by at least three women against Supreme […]
By JD Heyes
Deranged Leftists escalate calls for violence as Georgetown professor calls for the “miserable deaths” of GOP Senators
The anger and vitriol expressed by the Marxist American Left is no longer just the kind of “point-and-laugh” idiocy that it used to be. It’s rising to a level of hatred that always proceeds violence, and it’s just not something conservatives should be ignoring any longer. The most recent example of unhinged Leftist hate comes […]
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