News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Watch Leftists hate on America as they physically assault Alex Jones at anti-free speech event
The Tea Party movement, which began during the Obama administration, rocked the Republican establishment and forced its leaders to reconnect with its pro-Constitution, small-government roots. And while the party still has a ways to go, without a doubt Americans who value and cherish our founding principles can find a home with the Republican Party. In […]
By JD Heyes
Christine Blasey Ford’s story falls apart; dishonest tactics to delay the Kavanaugh confirmation exposed
Democrats continued the destruction of our political system on Thursday by ensuring that a woman whose unsubstantiated accusations of sexual assault from 35 years ago against Judge Brett Kavanaugh were aired publicly for the world to see. But when all was said and done, not only were Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s accusations still uncorroborated, some […]
By JD Heyes
Why aren’t Dems calling for the FBI to investigate multiple rape allegations against Bill Clinton or Keith Ellison?
As the ‘mainstream’ media and their allies in the Democratic Party continue to rail against Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation claiming that the two women who have accused him of sexually assaulting them 30-plus years ago should be believed without evidence or corroboration, they remain stunningly silent about women who have accused some in […]
By JD Heyes
NYT deliberately buries critical facts in its reporting on Kavanaugh, proving yet again the NYT is the propaganda arm of the DNC
The examples of journalistic malpractice and political deference to the far-Left Democratic Party by The New York Times continue to mount, as the paper’s coverage of the sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh proves. The Times was an early arrival to the story, publishing every breathless claim made against the nominee as […]
By JD Heyes
Democrats and the media are now just TROLLING for stories to cast doubt on Judge Kavanaugh, true or not
As new allegations of sexual assault against Judge Brett Kavanaugh surfaced on Monday, seasoned political analysts were predicting that this week would be one of the most chaotic and even troublesome the United States has experienced in decades. Allegations that Kavanaugh, in a drunken state during his first year at Yale University, dangled his penis […]
By JD Heyes
Web site of far-Left Antifa teaches radicals how to hurt police, rob banks, sneak across the border, and more
It’s become clear that members of the Left-wing ‘anti-fascist’ group Antifa are bent on creating as much violence, chaos, and mayhem as they can in the age of POTUS Donald Trump, all while pretending that conservatives and supporters of the president are the second coming of Hitler’s Nazi Party. In fact, it’s been obvious for […]
By JD Heyes
Kavanaugh speaks out against bogus sexual assault allegations: “This never happened”
As more details begin to emerge about Christine Blasey Ford, a Palo Alto University professor who has accused POTUS Donald Trump’s second Supreme Court nominee, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, of attempted rape 36 years ago in high school, the more we discover she’s an unhinged Leftist who may even have an ax to grind. But we’re […]
By JD Heyes
Total DESPERATION by Dems as they create fictional smear against Kavanaugh… same playbook used against Clarence Thomas
The Democratic Party demonstrated this week that it has lost its vision, its purpose, all principle, and every last ounce of integrity with a desperate last-ditch effort to stop one of the most qualified jurists ever nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court from serving. Following the clown show Democrats and their sycophantic supporters staged during […]
By JD Heyes
French school artificially Photoshops skin of college students to fake darker “diversity” skin color
If you get the sense that white Western culture is self-destructing in the U.S. and around the world where it has been dominant for centuries, congratulate yourself for having great instincts. Various ethnic groups throughout the ages have been singled out for persecution, and in recent history, someone, somewhere decided it was time to persecute […]
By JD Heyes
Behavior of Democrats at Kavanaugh hearing proves left-wingers are a deranged lynch mob of irrational, angry HATERS
Democrats continue in their attempt to turn our political process into something more like mob rule, where the mob that shouts the loudest and the angriest and is the most violent, ‘wins’ the debate. As the Senate Judiciary Committee opened its session Tuesday morning to consider whether to advance POTUS Donald Trump’s most recent U.S. […]
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