News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
The deranged left-wing mob continues its assault on the First Amendment by demanding entire CHANNELS be blacklisted
To the Marxist Left, they should have unfettered use of the Constitution’s personal and civil rights protections, but at the same time, those rights and protections should be denied to anyone who dares to disagree with them. Their tyranny was on full display again Monday in stepped-up attacks against the National Rifle Association following the […]
By JD Heyes
Liberals unleash economic warfare to SILENCE conservatives in effort to BAN gun sales
On his Wednesday MSNBC program, Joe Scarborough insisted that Americans “don’t have a God-given right” to an AR-15 rifle, which he previously described as a “military-style weapon.” The Supreme Court supports his position, he claimed, adding that the court has upheld various gun bans around the country including ‘assault weapons bans’ in some of the […]
By JD Heyes
Figures: California Democrat has no problem LYING about firearms in order to push his anti-Second Amendment agenda
To most Americans words mean things and when the wrong words or terminology are used, then they understand it is not possible to accurately convey their message. Then again, there are those who know that but intentionally misuse terms and language — they lie, in other words — to push a certain agenda. Democrats routinely […]
By JD Heyes
Mr. President, don’t left the Marxist Left lead you down the path to more gun control
The Marxist Democratic Party’s narrative following the most recent horrific school shooting in Parkland, Fla., is the same that it’s always been following these kinds of tragedies. “It’s the guns!” “When are we going to get rid of the guns?” “Nobody needs an ‘assault weapon!’” “Ban the National Rifle Association too!” Yes, the narrative’s the […]
By JD Heyes
CNN hosts a modern-day Salem Witch Trial: Angry Leftists shout “burn her!” at NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch
The country’s leading agitprop network, CNN, held a “town hall” event earlier this week ostensibly to ‘have a conversation’ with politicians and the country’s largest gun-rights organization following another horrific school shooting — this one in south Florida. Turns out the event was more Salem Witch Trial than conversation. It turned into a forum for […]
By JD Heyes
CNN, MSNBC, and Hollywood Leftist kook Michael Moore all helped Russia sow discord by promoting a FAKE anti-Trump rally
Some readers get offended when I talk about the “American Pravda” media being the biggest enemy of the United States these days. Well, when there are numerous examples to back up the claim, I’m not sure what other conclusions a thinking person can make. Here’s another one. Late last week Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein […]
By JD Heyes
Jimmy Kimmel named the Left’s “BIGOT” for spreading HATE that targets Christians
The little commie wannabes in Hollywood continue to insult and alienate the vast majority of Americans with their self-serving arrogance and disgusting hypocrisy. One of the most notable and quotable of these idiots is none other than“comedian” Jimmy Kimmel, who has transformed his program during the age of Trump from a late-night entertainment platform into […]
By JD Heyes
The latest LIE: American Pravda media claims President Trump made it easier for mentally ill to buy guns
Talk radio legend Rush Limbaugh made an observation last week about the so-called “mainstream” media: If someone is merely a casual consumer of the news, they have no idea how badly they’re being lied to, manipulated, and kept in the dark about facts and truths that functioning societies need to remain functioning societies. In particular, […]
By JD Heyes
T-Mobile goes all-in for communism-style “equal pay” and LGBT quack science in pathetic attempt at virtue signaling
A lot of people watched the Super Bowl this year despite the fact that football fans and non-fans who love America were essentially given the middle finger every week during the regular season by players who sat or knelt during the playing of our National Anthem. Though viewership was down from previous years, 103 million […]
By JD Heyes
In latest social justice insanity, Black Lives Matter attacks “rap yoga” class as racist
If you still believe that the Leftist-driven “social justice” movement is about tolerance and inclusion — two of the Left’s favorite buzzwords — you really should disabuse yourself of that notion. Because it’s not. Flat out, it’s about division, self-segregation, and revenge — for America’s original sin of slavery. Case in point: The Sacramento chapter […]
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