News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Sex perv Al Franken to resign from Senate, BLAMES Trump and “difficult politics”
Well, for anyone who thought that the sex perv senator from Minnesota, Al Franken, “did the right thing” when he announced that he would be resigning from the U.S. Senate “in the coming weeks,” think again. Because even as he succumbed to the mounting pressures from members of his own party to ‘do the right […]
By JD Heyes
Southern Poverty Law Center claims violent Antifa is NOT a “hate group” despite being labeled “domestic terrorists” by DHS, FBI
The head of one of the most Left-wing political organizations in America recently declared that one of the most Left-wing, hate-filled and violent groups in America doesn’t qualify to be on its “Hate Map.” Richard Cohen, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which has listed the conservative, Christian-themed Family Research Council on the map, […]
By JD Heyes
Clueless: MSNBC’s chief racialist Joy Reid calls rural white voters “a core threat to our democracy”
It’s getting so that the hosts of Alt-Left MSNBC have to say more and more outrageous things just to get noticed, and of course, the network’s principal racialist morning host Joy Reid is always quick to oblige. Over the weekend during her “AM Joy” program, the host responded with an ignorance only someone on MSNBC […]
By JD Heyes
Democrats CRAP all over America for Thanksgiving and Christmas
Another holiday season is upon us, which means Democrats and their supporters will have yet another opportunity to trash, diss, and otherwise disrespect America and our cultural traditions and morals. While NFL players got a head start on disrespecting America, her military and supporters of President Donald J. Trump by taking a knee or sitting […]
By JD Heyes
Former NFL QB Colin Kaepernick responsible for all the protesting just got honored by GQ magazine along with Islamic radical Linda Sarsour
The vast majority of the so-called “mainstream media” has gone completely communist in its support for the most anti-American figures of our time, as evidenced by their continued hero worship of figures who are trying to destroy our culture. GQ Magazine became the latest collection of libtards to throw traditional values out the window by […]
By JD Heyes
Charlie Rose, John Conyers, Al Franken… more Democrats hit with sexual assault charges as the “Party of Women” continues to reveal its rank hypocrisy
Quite frankly, I don’t know how anyone — especially women — can remain Democrats after the string of grotesque sexual assault allegations we’ve seen over the past month. What began with blockbuster details about allegations of serial sexual assault and misconduct against Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein that stretches back decades has turned into a cascade […]
By JD Heyes
HATE: Far-Left groups associated with Democrats go after Sean Hannity’s advertisers to shut him down
Several Left-wing groups aligned with the Democratic Party have launched an all-out assault on conservative pundit and Fox News host Sean Hannity in a bid to decimate his advertising base and push the most pro-Trump TV host off the air. Media Matters, a communistic organization that is well-funded by Democratic supporters, has been hounding Hannity’s advertisers […]
By JD Heyes
Man who attacked Rand Paul and broke five of his ribs was an “avowed socialist” medical doctor
A man who attacked Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. at his home while he mowed his grass was a medical doctor and “avowed socialist,” The Daily Caller is reporting. A self-professed liberal, the man, Rene Boucher, 59, also fought frequently with his neighbors about politics. Mostly they would argue over health care policies and other Left-wing […]
By JD Heyes
Feminist California professor goes full libtard: “Science” is racist because so much of it was developed by white men
At some point, I keep hoping that the lunatics who call themselves college and university professors and who are so consumed with Alt-Left hate for people and ideologies they don’t like or understand will no longer be taken seriously or allowed to infect young, impressionable minds. Sadly, that day has not yet arrived, as evidenced […]
By JD Heyes
Republican lawmaker introduces bill to stop tax dollars from subsidizing NFL over disrespectful “social justice” protests
Well, it’s official: The National Football League is no longer America’s favorite professional sport after scores of players from all 32 teams have begun protesting the American flag and National Anthem over alleged ‘social injustice’ and police brutality against black men. But now one U.S. lawmaker wants to go a step further: He has introduced […]
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