News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Insanity meets stupidity: College freshman guide labels all Jews “white supremacists”
Racism, bigotry, and intolerance are all okay as long as you’re a Left-wing extremist who has pledged allegiance to the Democratic Party. Now we can add anti-Semitism to the list, at least as it pertains to one college. As reported by Campus Reform, a group of students at Tufts University in Massachusetts — which was […]
By JD Heyes
Leftists declare COTTON to be “racist” and call for ban on cotton products, including underwear, jeans and T-shirts
The politically correct, political correctness of the insane Left continues to double, triple, and quadruple down on stupid, as now they claim that clothing made from cotton is (wait for it) racist. The Daily Caller reports that a Texas woman complained about a Hobby Lobby home decor item comprised of cotton, calling it “wrong on […]
By JD Heyes
When Michelle Obama read “Dr. Seuss” to school kids it was okay, but when Melania Trump does, its “racist”
Trump Derangement Syndrome has now spread to the first lady, Melania Trump, as her good deeds continue to go punished rather than unpunished, as was the case for the previous first lady, Michelle Obama. You may recall that Ms. Trump recently sent 10 Dr. Seuss books to a school in Cambridge, Mass., where the librarian, […]
By JD Heyes
According to the intolerant Left, “hate speech” means anything that doesn’t agree with left-wing narratives and delusions
In the age of President Donald J. Trump, the Alt-Left “progressive” movement has begun an all-out assault on the Constitution’s guarantees of free speech, expression, and assembly, and they are being aided and abetted by a Democratic Party that has transformed itself into America’s largest hate group. Through the use of violence and intimidation, domestic […]
By JD Heyes
STUPID: When white people use black emojis, it’s RACIST, says the BBC
There is a growing insanity in the Western world, and it’s called progressivism. It’s a cult-like political movement practiced by Left-wing kooks, hucksters, liars, race-baiters, race haters, and frauds who have assumed for themselves the right to tell the rest of us what to think, what to believe, how to behave, and what is and […]
By JD Heyes
CRYBULLIES: College student activists now marching on their own cafeterias, demanding “hydroponic cilantro”
What happens when college and university campuses that are run by far-Left academics aren’t far-Left enough? Easy; one day they just implode because they have become too expensive to operate. As reported by The Wall Street Journal, student demands are venturing into the absurd and are now even focused on turning the school cafeteria into […]
By JD Heyes
Trans activists attack Caitlyn Jenner for her political views… so much for “tolerance”
If this doesn’t convince you liberal “compassion” and “tolerance” is as thin as Hillary Clinton’s credibility, nothing will. You may have heard of a former Olympian named Bruce Jenner. Well, he’s a she these days, and she calls herself Caitlyn. And while there’s nothing wrong with this if that’s your thing, far-Left liberals are said […]
By JD Heyes
Washington Post publishes instruction manual telling other journalists to cover up the left-wing politics of Antifa, a domestic terrorism resistance group
The disgusting anti-American “mainstream” media is filled with Leftists who have never met a Marxist ‘revolutionary’ movement they didn’t like. Then again, none of them have ever had to live under the authoritarian hell of murderous Marxist leaders like the Castro brothers in Cuba, “Uncle” Joe Stalin, Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela or any Communist Party […]
By JD Heyes
A prominent Left-wing American hate factory is RICH beyond imagination and moving assets to offshore banks
One of the main groups pushing hatred and division, especially in the era of Donald J. Trump, is also one of the richest and has been moving assets to offshore accounts, out of the prying eyes of financial investigators. That organization is the Southern Poverty Law Center, the same one that has labeled Christian religious […]
By JD Heyes
Deranged left-wing SPLC now claims Army bases are “Confederate monuments” and need to be wiped off the map
The war against American history is continuing unabated, as far-Left social change artists continue their assault against our very culture, under the guise of “combating racism.” It’s no secret to anyone who’s actually studied the real history of the Civil War, but the vast majority of Confederate soldiers, officers and sympathizers were not slave owners. […]
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