News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
New Zealand Prime Minister proudly admits she helped create two classes of people, while holding human rights hostage
A journalist with the New Zealand Herald recently confronted Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern on the government’s plan to hold the people’s freedoms hostage by punishing the “unvaccinated” and rewarding the vaccine-compliant. New Zealand has created a two-tiered society under Ardern’s watch – a society where the “unvaccinated” are barred from public life, a society where […]
By Lance D Johnson
LIARS and CROOKS: Dictator Biden and the CDC’s Walensky once promised there would be NO MANDATES
The Biden regime in unraveling fast. Joe Biden, Anthony Fauci, Vivek Murthy, Rochelle Walensky and everyone involved in the covid-19 power grab are revealing their true colors. They flip-flop on issues so much that even those who still listen to them are beginning to see them for who they really are. Dictator Biden and CDC Director […]
By Lance D Johnson
In NYC, the unvaccinated are condemned and segregated as the new sub-human class … in a society now rooted in medical discrimination and hateful bigotry
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a new plan to permanently discriminate and segregate the unvaccinated from society, and Joe Biden supports it. De Blasio the tyrant said the unvaccinated have no right to have a job, to eat at a counter, to ride on a bus or enter a building. He is […]
By Lance D Johnson
America-hating Olympian, Gwen Berry, once mocked Whites, Mexicans and Asians
When the 2020 Olympic Games kick off in Tokyo this year, they will feature an attention-seeking athlete from the USA, one who hates the country she represents, one who mocks Whites, Mexicans and Asians. The 32-year-old Olympian, Gwen Berry, recently turned her back on the American flag while the national anthem played. After drawing attention […]
By Lance D Johnson
Rhodes College announces plan to profile and discriminate against unvaccinated students, fine them $3,000 per year
Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee just released a new policy of segregation for the Fall 2021 semester. Rhodes College will violate the medical privacy of their students and require each individual to show digital proof that they were inoculated by an emergency use authorization (EUA) covid vaccine. If a student fails to comply, they will […]
By Lance D Johnson
Gain-of-function expert Dr. Peter Daszak bullied top scientists into covering up laboratory origins of SARS-CoV-2
One of the men who tried to coverup the lab origins of SARS-CoV-2 from the very beginning of the pandemic is Dr. Peter Daszak. The British ecologist is an expert in gain-of-function coronavirus engineering. He worked with ‘bat woman’ Shi Zhengli and other Chinese scientists from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. He even used his […]
By Lance D Johnson
FTC takes censorship to a whole new level, charges and fines St. Louis man for questioning vaccines, promoting zinc and vitamin D
As the covid-19 scandal continues, authorities are increasingly using censorship and intimidation tactics to control the narrative and shut down the truth. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is taking censorship to a whole new level and is targeting anyone who promotes a healthy immune system to combat SARS-CoV-2. The FTC recently charged a St. Louis […]
By Lance D Johnson
Gulags are already forming under the Biden regime, with cruel and unusual treatment of protestors who have opposing political views
After state election laws and ballot adjudication procedures were violated in the 2020 election; after Biden vote hauls were brought in post-election; after statistical anomalies and vote switching was found; and after the U.S. courts and the Congress refused to hear widespread evidence of election fraud and malfeasance; the Biden regime took control over the […]
By Lance D Johnson
Vaccine Passports were the secret plan behind the totalitarian lockdowns all along
CNN revealed the sinister plot behind the government’s continuous lock down policies. The tyrannical, controlling intent behind government lockdowns was revealed for all to see in a recent broadcast that featured disgraced anchor, Chris Cuomo, and former Planned Parenthood president, Dr. Leana Wen. “We need to make it clear to them (Americans) that the vaccine […]
By Lance D Johnson
Israeli Professor: Today’s youth are “walking dead” and living in a dystopian hell
An Israeli professor spoke out in a recent video about the current mental and emotional deprivation of today’s youth, how they are programmed to seek stimulation and consume, while being deprived of meaningful relationships and purpose-driven work. Sam Vaknin, author of Malignant Self Love: Narcissism Revisited, said that today’s youth are “walking dead” and living […]
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