News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
United Airline’s new pilot training program will prioritize gender and race quotas rather than hiring the best pilots based on merit… what’s next, Drag Queen Story Hour from the cockpit?
United Airlines is looking to radically transform the company by eliminating thousands of white men from the cockpit. To United Airlines, it doesn’t matter how committed, qualified or skilled a potential pilot candidate is. When deciding who to hire and who to train to fly their planes, it all comes down to fulfilling diversity quotas […]
By Lance D Johnson
GAVI Vaccine Alliance: The source of terror behind global lockdowns and vaccine coercion
The World Health Organization (WHO) is facilitating a global health dictatorship, commanding all member states to enforce totalitarian lock downs and far-reaching medical edicts that empower government authorities and the vaccine industry – not human health. WHO’s authoritarian recommendations were adopted in rapid fashion by almost every government on Earth. The behavioral controls and livelihood […]
By Lance D Johnson
Amazon censors Clarence Thomas PBS documentary during Black History Month… because you don’t count as “black” unless you’re a member of the Left Cult
If there was just one month to honor black history, then an entire day should be dedicated to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, the only black justice currently serving on the nation’s highest court. Instead of honoring Justice Clarence Thomas during Black History Month, Amazon dropped a popular PBS documentary about him. During Black History […]
By Lance D Johnson
Hospital falsely imprisons elderly woman and conscripts a police force to bar her from family members
Medical tyranny continues. The Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center in Vancouver, Washington violated both ethics and law when they falsely imprisoned an elderly woman in their facility. According to family reports, the falsely imprisoned woman was admitted for a urinary tract infection and agreed to stay overnight in the hospital. Upon entry, she did not […]
By Lance D Johnson
Governor of Hawaii becomes a tyrannical monarch, threatens $5,000 fine and jail time for people who do not wear masks
During a Facebook live stream, the Governor of Hawaii said it “will be required for everyone in the state of Hawaii to wear a mask when they’re in public, period.” Hawaii Governor David Ige told the Honolulu Star-Advertiser that noncompliance with his mandatory mask order will be equivalent to a misdemeanor. Anyone caught outside their […]
By Lance D Johnson
Violent left-wing rioters attack innocent children and families at “Jews for Trump” rally in NYC
After months of being brainwashed with anti-Trump, race baiting propaganda, violent left-wing rioters took to the streets to assault children and families at a “Jews for Trump” rally in New York City. Hundreds of cars sported American flags and Trump 2020 flags to show their support for the President and a more free America. The […]
By Lance D Johnson
What’s stopping Trump-hating, power-drunk Dem governors like Whitmer from flat-out fabricating voting results?
How do Americans know for sure whether Trump-hating Democratic governors like Gretchen Whitmer (MI) and J.B. Pritzker (IL) won’t just fabricate the voting numbers in the 2020 election? Whitmer and Pritzker have already shown they will do whatever they want in order to destroy people’s lives during the covid-19 pandemic. These tyrannical governors have gone […]
By Lance D Johnson
Lunatic left-wing Senators now claim the term “sexual preference” discriminates against transgenders, as if LGBT people have NO CHOICE in the matter
In a desperate attempt to rile the emotions of the LGBT community, Senate Democrats twisted the English language and tried to make Supreme Court Justice nominee, Amy Coney Barrett, out to be a discriminatory bigot with some agenda to harm people of various sexual orientations. During the vetting process to confirm the next Supreme Court […]
By Lance D Johnson
Radical Left coordinated mass forgery to disparage Amy Barrett and try to make her appear unlikable
A radical left organization named Alliance for Justice sent out a press release claiming they have in their possession “the largest known lawyer opposition letter to a Supreme Court nominee.” A number of left-leaning legal blogs got behind the unverified letter and promoted its claims online. The press release was advertised as a “394-page letter” […]
By Lance D Johnson
Climate lock downs? Prince Charles calls for military response to address climate change and reorganize the world economy
Prince Charles recently spoke at the United Nations Summit on Biodiversity and urged all human beings to start taking climate change seriously. Prince Charles called for a “military-style campaign” to address “this most grave and urgent challenge.” The United Nations does have its own army, consisting of “peacekeeping soldiers” from all the member countries. Will […]
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