By JD Heyes
Antifa thugs crack the door on Tucker Carlson’s home as Fox News host says Left-wing extremism out of control
Last week when he was still at the Fox News studios in Washington, D.C., preparing for his nightly program, Tucker Carlson began getting frantic text messages on his cellphone. It seemed that something was ‘terribly wrong’ at his home: A group of people were gathering there and shouting obscenities and other things as his wife […]
By JD Heyes
Leftists Dems go completely unhinged after Kavanaugh swear-in, threaten to behead GOP senator’s wife
On Saturday, Americans received a legal blessing that a large plurality of the country does not appreciate and likely never will: Judge Brett Kavanaugh became Justice Brett Kavanaugh after he was sworn in as the nation’s 114th member of the U.S. Supreme Court. A young 53, Kavanaugh can potentially serve for decades, meaning that America will […]
By JD Heyes
CONFIRMED: Portland police are on the side of left-wing Antifa terrorists; the feds will need to bring them in line with law and order
In the 1840s when the Oregon Trail was completed and hundreds of thousands of Americans began migrating West, the journey was long and required a high degree of toughness, stamina, endurance, and a can-do attitude to navigate. What Americans living in parts of Oregon have devolved into these days is a far cry from those […]
By JD Heyes
Why you need to be armed: Deranged Leftists now calling for mass executions of Trump supporters in public venues
For most of President Donald Trump’s first year in office we poked fun at angry Leftists afflicted with “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” We dismissed groups like Antifa as disparate, insignificant, and manageable. But then something happened. All of that anger has been taken to a new level. Now, groups like Antifa, Redneck Revolt, and other Left-wing […]
By JD Heyes
Speaking for the unhinged Left, Peter Fonda says Trump’s children should be locked in cages with pedophiles, and ICE agents’ families should be targeted
In recent weeks some on the Left have grown increasingly unhinged as President Donald Trump continues to bring America back from the edge of decline thanks to Barack Obama. His successes are numerous — the economy is growing quickly, joblessness is at a record low, disability claims are falling now that employment opportunities are rising, […]
By JD Heyes
LOSING IT: Occupy Wall Street posts graphic guide on how to murder ICE agents by stabbing them in the heart
The Trump administration’s dedication to enforcing every letter of each immigration law — especially those having to do with people crossing illegally into the United States — is driving the Left’s biggest lunatics even crazier. Those who are coming under the most fire are the men and women in the trenches: Immigration and Customs Enforcement […]
By Ethan Huff
“Tolerant” Leftists now targeting climate change “deniers” with escalating wave of vicious death threats
Rabid climate change fanatics are now sending vicious death threats to those with whom they disagree, including Marc Morano of Climate Depot, a climate truth website affiliated with the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT). On April 25, 2018, Morano reportedly received a hate-filled email from someone with the handle “f***
[email protected]
” (this being the censored […]
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